As the winter chill sets in icy conditions are placing even more pressure on our already constrained energy grid.  Load shedding is therefore a looming reality which is expected to increase even more during the coming months.

We have seen an increased number of fire claims in the last few months, most of which can be attributed directly to load shedding. Some of these claims have also sadly resulted in the loss of life.

It is vitally important to be aware of the dangers associated with these power outages.

Examples from some of our recent claims will hopefulle give you some insight of what to avoid and what to take care of:

A hairdryer left on the bed when load shedding was implemented,  

set the bed alight when the power was turned back on.

– Candle fell over setting curtains or bedding alight. Never leave candles

unattended or burning when going to sleep!

– An iron left on during load shedding, set the ironing board alight and 

  caused subsequent further fire damage to the unit.

– Heaters placed too close to flammable material such as blankets and 

   curtains is also a major fire risk.

Make sure to unplug ALL appliances that were being used before the power outage to prevent them turning on unattended when the power is restored.  In doing this you will also protect these items from electricity spikes or surges.

Please alert your clients and families to these important aspects and let’s face our ‘dark’ winter safely.

Article credit: CIA newsletter