Frequently Asked Questions.
Below you’ll find the answers to the questions we get asked the most about Insurance, Investments, Life & Risk cover and Medical Aid. If you have any other questions our virtual chat assistant will do it’s best to answer them or you can just drop us a message in the red box below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does your Medical Savings Account fall way?
How long is a Medical Claim valid for?
What is a co-payment or a deductible?
What is a late joiner penalty?
What is a medical aid waiting period?
What is a prescribed minimum benefit (PMB)?
When can I upgrade or downgrade my medical plan?
Will my medical aid cover COVID-19 testing and treatment?
How much should I save for Retirement?
What are asset classes?
What are the tax benefits of contributing to a retirement annuity?
What is a fund of funds?
What is a passive fund?
What is a section 14 transfer?
What is a tax free savings account?
What is a unit trust?
What is a wrap fund?
What is an active fund?
What is an investment risk profile?
What is life insurance?
What is disability cover?
What is severe illness cover?
What is an accelerated benefit or a rider benefit?
What is a stand alone benefit?
How much life insurance do I need?
Do I qualify for PPS cover?
What is buy-and-sell cover?
What is Key person insurance and who needs it?
What is the difference between age-rated, level and fixed premium increases?
What is travel insurance?
What is third party car insurance?
What is the average clause?
What is public liability cover?
What is home owners insurance?
What is an excess amount?
What is all risk cover?
What are the minimum requirements for burglary cover?
What is photographic equipment insurance?
How does car insurance work?
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