We can hardly believe that the first month of 2018 is something of the past already.  We certainly hope you are still sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions!  If you vowed to live more healthy this year, we have good news for you!  Our friends at Maskell Biokineticists offer the opportunity of a Health assessment on the 24th of February this year.  Whether you are a Discovery Vitaliity or Momentum Multiply member, you are sure to benefit from this opportunity.

Below you can find more detail on what the day offers:


Earn up to 7 500 points
R400 per client per assessment CASH or CARD -Member can claim back from medical savings.

NURSE:    (Health Screening-Glucose, Cholesterol & HIV Test)
Earn up to 20 000 points per individual per year plus 5000 points for HIV (We also have the Kids health check for kids 2 years and older, for 500 points each-R75)
Free to Discovery Health & Bankmed members(Screening benefit)
R300 for all other clients CASH Only
Duration = 15 minutes  per individual AND  30 Mins per couple
If possible, avoid eating/drinking 2 hours before the tests.
1 assessment allowed per calendar year

DIETITIAN: (Nutrition Assessment)
Earn 1 000 points– guaranteed per individual per year
R 290 per client per assessment – CASH ONLY-Member can claim back from medical savings
Duration = 30 minutes per individual OR 45 minutes per couple
Assessment will include:  InBody Body Composition Analysis.


R190 per client per assessment CASH or CARD -Member can claim back from medical savings.
2 x Fitness assessments per year- 5 Months apart.
Score fitness level between 1 and 5-members will receive discounts on momentum products/partners depending on these results.

NURSE:    (Health Screening-Glucose, Cholesterol & HIV Test)  .
R300 for all other clients CASH Only
Duration = 15 minutes per individual AND  30 Mins per couple
members will receive discounts on momentum products/partners depending on their results
If possible, avoid eating/drinking 2 hours before the tests.


Zone Fitness, Willowbridge Centre, Carl Cronje Drive

(parking is on underground parking level 1 after you pass Harley Davidson, there is a ramp on your Right.)

Please contact Maskell Biokineticists on 061 452 7812 or info@maskellbio.com for bookings and enquiries.